
martes, 28 de enero de 2014

Power Point. Fishing and forest exploitation. Level 3º ESO.

Claudia Padilla and Blanca Ángel, who belong to our Bilingual Section, explained us this presentation in class with an excelent pronunciation.
Well done, girls, I´m very proud of your work!!!

A-Multiple choice. Choose the correct answer:

1-Fishing consists of:

a-      Going to the sea.

b-      Catching and taking fish from the sea.

c-      Taking water from the sea.

2- Two fishing techniques are called:

a-      Almadraba and Barco.

b-      Currican and Buque Insignia.

c-      Almadraba and Volanta

Tropical woods are located in:

a-      Intertropical areas.

b-      In the South of Spain.

c-      In the North Hemisphere.


B- Where are conifer woods found and located? Why are they so important?

C- What is the main problem with native forests? What have they been substituted by?

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